Perhaps the best way of presenting what social work does is by its
basic operations. In order to have a better life, one has to change it, which brings about certain risks. To know what to change one needs
to know what is there in one’s life, what are the resources that can be used and what needs to be imported from
elsewhere. I order to induce change, but also to govern once life, one needs power to do so. A partnership or an
alliance in a working relationship is
needed in order to be not only supported but also increase the ability to
reflect and perform. The key words of these four basic social work operations
are therefore: relationship, power,
change and resources introducing the operations that we choose to name: 1) work relationship or alliance, 2) empowerment, 3) risk analysis
or harm reduction; and 4) investigation of the Life-World and enabling
access to resources.
These four operations are defined by their purpose, which in turn
presupposes their ways of doing them. The purpose of forming a work
relationship or alliance is to gain an insight, a reflexion of the situation
one is in, but also in a manner of dialogue to instigate work, and change and is done mainly by speech
and reflection, notwithstanding meaningful deeds and action. The purpose of empowerment
is clear – to gain power – and this is mainly done by advocacy and negotiation
in order to enhance one’s status – personal and social capital. The purpose of
the risk analysis or harm reduction is security of venture (not so much risk
avoidance) and is being done by analysing, securing and support in risk taking.
The investigation of the Life-World and enabling access to resources has the
purpose in being provided and equipped and is done by enabling access to
resources and activation of own resources.
The purposes intrinsic to the operations as listed above are just
instrumental to the personal finalities and are just tools to accomplish the
latter. No matter how small and petty a specific personal goal may be, it has
an overarching property regarding the purposes of the basic operations and the
operation itself. The goal of an operation and its underlying desire is the
basis of the operation and its purpose, finality and its “raison d’être”.
The social work basic operations are therefore not to be regarded as
means of reaching some metaphysical or transcendental ends but means of
reaching personal, group or even institutional desires usually articulated as
goals, often as needs, sometimes in terms of necessities, sometimes in terms of
[1] This blog is an introduction to a piece I am writing on the topic.
There will be blogs following describing and analysing them in more detail.
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